Livin Our Dream

Marti and Wayne's New Home on Wheels
2014.5 Elite Suites 38 RSSA with Vanity slide Custom built for them by the fine Amish Craftmen at DRV.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Traveling Yogi and Gus


Well we wondered how Gus would take to going back to the RV. Gus loved the living to the Cellar at home. Our Crazy Cat would use the hallway for a Runway. Well being blind in one eye and going the Speed of Cat, his Brakes Failed a time or two. The Amish cabinets really stopped him, the Goof would lay there and wonder  What Happened ??


Gus is always ready to help Grammie with a Quilt. Well the quilt table is back home & Gus in Rolling down the road.


Yogi is telling OK Gus let’s go !!! so we hit the road.IMG_0215

Tough Day Traveling right Gus


Yogi just asked me Ok Where’z my Pictures ??? OK YogiDSCN2889

That’s better !!!


Get this Cat away from me Now

OK More to follow and yes Gus is doing well in the little trailer.

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