Livin Our Dream

Marti and Wayne's New Home on Wheels
2014.5 Elite Suites 38 RSSA with Vanity slide Custom built for them by the fine Amish Craftmen at DRV.

Sunday, May 19, 2013




Well here I go again. I’m sitting here thinkin what we Pay for Freedom. Well it’s getting close to Memorial  Day. I know in our proud country that means Sales at the Stores and hopefully a Family Picnic. Maybe as your walking around on the weekend and see an old Veteran or Young. Shake his or her hand and thank them for there service. You will feel better as you walk away and the Veteran will feel Great too.

This last month I have had 8 appointments at Hines Hospital or Kankakee Out Patient Clinic. I thank all the Drs. there for their fine care. Heck I get better care at the VA than private care expect my Heart Dr. Walking around Hines is different as years ago I was there with my Dad. I was fresh out of the service. Funny thing back in the seventy's if You were a Viet Nam Veteran you kept that to yourself. I was asked if I was a Baby Killer or Why didn’t I go to Canada ??? Well today every body likes the veteran, me too.   


I was doing some looking on the net for KIAs & wounded in wars.The price for Freedom ain’t Cheap. The cost was for WWII , Korea  and Viet Nam were over a Million and a half lives. Freedom ain’t Cheap !!

DSCN2225 We have visited four National Cemetery's. The feels of walking up and down the lanes of head stones is an ire feeling. I was asked Why do you go ?? I answered a Show of Respect !!! a way to say Thank You !  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Traveling with a Big Dog and a Cat in our RV ???

We are often asked What do you do with Yogi and Gus when you travel. We taken with of course they are Family !! We travel in a Crew Cab truck so Yogi and Gus get the back seat Yogi in his bed and Gus in his Crate.
Hey they both are Real Good at begging too, yes that is something I have spent a lot of time training them too.
Yogi has swam in a lot of different places too. There are a couple that said No Dogs too.
Well Gus is Happy just to be Gus. Then of course Gus wouldn’t mind Biting anyone.
Hey like I said Gus just loves being Himself
Yogi said Why do I have to share the bed ???
That’s Better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m going to try this Blog Thing too. Wait I want to play with the Mouse !!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

OK I ‘m at the Wheel on this Blog Yes it’s a Dog’s Life !!!!



Ok I was on Popa’s laptop look in at the Pictures.What’s the deal I never saw all these places. I’m locked up in this steel can with Gus and Gunther is locked up next to us in his Motor home.


Come on Gus they didn’t put you in there.

DSCN3443Here’z my pal Gunther at Happy Hour ?? We weren’t happy no food or drinks for us. Wait the Ferners got G a swell bed I got Nothing !!!


Branson 059

I get to sleep in a bed of leaves, I just got bit by a bug. Thanks Popa.

Well here’z the stuff the three of us have missed while

They were out Hav-in Fun !!!


O sure they are out having a good time again. There’z Linda and Mark and Les and Jan and my people. Wait it was marks Birthday


Heck they are at it again Dam

OK Think Doggie Bags Please !!!



Poor Gus trying to entertain himself while they are gone again.


O Sure Les, you can feed them but,

How bout Us Three?? You Cheap Ass !!!


Les next time I see you Your getting a Wet Leg !!!


Hey there’z our trailer I got to sleep under it.


Notice my friend Gunther’s Nice bed, yep I got the Hard concrete Again.

I just get No Respect !!!!!


Ok here they are at the Blue Angles Museum in Florida. Wait I wanted to stay in the Hot trailer Again Right !!!!

IMG_0542  I know Gus I Hate them too.

Wait they just pulled up it’s Biscuit Time Let’s Go !!!

Sorry I got to Go Grammie is coming in